Thursday, April 21, 2011

22nd of April is "OUR EARTH DAY" Please do something to save our beautiful earth

(Click on picture for full size view)
Today, 22nd of April is our “Earth day”, please do something as much you can for our earth, start fighting and teach against pollution and destroying our earth and green forests. Please pray for PEACE around the world.

It’s time to wake up please, all the human being of this beautiful world, we gotta know now what’s we are doing and how much selfish we are, we are developing those which hurting much to our beautiful earth. If we don’t think today then there will be no chance to be sorry at all. The time will come, but till then will be late. We all know about global warming and how the impact is showing the result of it. We usually hear news about disaster and unwanted weather changes, these all because of us.

Today, 22nd of April is our “Earth day”, please do something as much you can for our earth, start fighting and teach against pollution and destroying our earth and green forests. Please pray for PEACE around the world.

Our beautiful earth, I love you and we all love you.

How do we human being tell you we’re sorry with a gesticulation, a look and always being in touch?
how is it we human being never appreciate, polluting and hurting you so very much?

we human being do not ask forgiveness a comfort we'll never deserve.
we human being merely wants to let you know, but we cannot find the nerve.

to finally face up to you, face-to-face and look you in the eye,
after all to face your fury and to try.

betraying and deceiving you, Oh yep we human being talked too much and we know that, we surely had no right.
to snatch away such a precious gem, like a dark thief in the night.

Human being didn’t realize to bring us to this day,
when we human being present these simple words, we never thought to say.

I can see your sadness that, you are crying with tsunami, landslide, floods and disaster,
I wanna say to all human being, please save our earth and do something faster.

human being, please realize now, the time has come, it's days past due to put aside our fear;
our beautiful earth, would this confession torture you, or have you longed to hear?

to hear those two forbidden words to conquer all the pain,
to understand our dearest beautiful earth wish to know you once again.

the moments and years aged us remarkably, though they have not made us wise;
we human being do know we erred irrevocably for that. Our beautiful earth, on behalf of all human being, I personally apologize.

I really beg to the world, please give my "Peace" back, why my "Peace" is crying to be there with me and you all, but we human being making to hard to "Peace" be here with us. please do something to save our world from pollution, war and causing global warming.

Many thanks for reading this page and being peace and earth lover.

Many thanks
Nabin Nischal Sirish

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Accomplish something to save our world and ourselve.

Let’s talk about something, have you watched the movie called “2012”? Oh yeah! if yes or not, that’s Ok, but the below article, I wanna talk is something real please. Not only that, aren’t you feeling such thing happening in this world, which is being like a movie itself?

Nowadays, most of us are aware about global warming and their affects. Everywhere the news about disasters. During 2010 the volcano of Iceland had disturbed much North West of Europe and many days the flights and other daily movements been canceled.

The whole world is known about what happened in Fukushima Japan on last 11th of March 2011 (I was playing XBOX game with friends at Mario's, right at that moment the news channel started live broadcasting about the eruption tsunami) no one still can say that, how long the affect will hit not just only to Japan, but rest of the world. We can see almost every day about Japan’s nuclear reactor has gone damaged and spilled the dangerous radiation and chemical; however the engineers are trying to bring under control.

Most us are known for icebergs are melting faster then what scientists are calculating the danger of global warming. Simply it seems that, we are not affected much for present, but impact s are rapping us quickly.

We human being are so proud to be in 21st century with much developments and hi-fi life style, but same time those thing are also being developed by human being, which can take our life in a second. There is too much competition to be super power of the world, the people hate each other and tries to destroy others just for self interest with some phony reasons. Nowadays we can see in news that, fight within countries and killing the brotherhoods, if we take it simply then it seems like only peoples are dying, but the effect of those blast and their chemical are passing through the air which can harm our climate, the reason we can’t expect the natural and regular seasons as what we did experienced previously, spring after winter, rainy after spring etc. we are seeing floods being hard time in many places, landslides and many places gone dry.

Though human being are aware of impact that, what will happen in our world if we never step ahead to stop such types of action which are harmful for ourselves. The disaster doesn’t care which place should be or not, doesn’t care that is the reason behind those thing, but the disaster appear without any warning. All those innocent peoples of Japan were not thinking about the 11th if March, but it happened. Who know what’s gonna be next and how danger gonna be?

We are already miles away from our beautiful EDEN, which we can’t go back where we belong to, but we can try to stick in right here to make our world again EDEN with peace, brotherhood, no war, no mash destruction development, no green house.
Please take moment and think that, why some where the wildfire burn every year about thousands of accords of forest, imagine now how that gonna affect our global warming. How hard is to grow those forest and how many centuries may had take to be, but single light of fire can destroy in once. Why we are hearing floods around us? Imagine that, how many millions of metric tons of food growth gone destroyed and how many million peoples are hunger in world, which we know and hear in news. Many countries depend on UN food program, which is the soul of surviving. Why we hear about landslides? Imagine how they affect gonna be because of destruction by land slide, millions of people are homeless in world whether they are rich country or poor.

Day after day, the life is being in danger of future. We are not having much concentration tomorrow and we are UNKN about dark night of tomorrow.
We can do something personally and contribute though little, but to our mother the earth the heart of human being.

The thing we can do the most.

1-Friendship thoughts and kind:
friendship is one of the most powerful key to play the most important role to same our world.
so, how? This may be the question to all.
Friendship can create “Peace” because with friendship, no one will hate each other. If there is hate then there will be no production of mass destruction, which can help reduce global warming because the mass destruction reactors will stop producing those harmful radiation and chemical. There will be no competition of producing of nuclear. There is increasing religious hatred and many others, that’s very danger. The countries are on race to produce such thing which can be more harmful. The countries are on race to be powerful than others, which the main way to destruction because many thing is being build and developed in name of development, for example: Missiles, bombs, nuclear bombs, fighter planes, takes and many other thing is being build. The impact of those thing is too danger. If there will be global friendship with no hatred then the “Peace” will be with us, so many thing can stop producing, which is the main key role we can play to stop global warming.

2-Simple living with “reduce, reuse, recycle” method.
The other part you we can play is “reduce, reuse, recycle”, if we don’t try to unnecessary competition then we can use less, which is required then the product can be reduce and that is one of the key role to play global warming. We can recycle the thing what used, the action can reduce waste around us, we know that increasing water is also the highest problem of polluted environment of today’s developed cities. (हामि सबै लाई थाहा भएको कुरा हुनु पर्दछ, हामि हाम्रो काठमाडौं अनि अन्य शहर मा घर देखि बाहिर निस्केउ भने मास्क को आवस्यक्ता पर्दछ, जुन शहर मा बस्ने हजुर अनी हाम्रै कारण ले हो, यो हामि ले स्विकर्नै पर्दछ किनकी, हामि सबै लाई थाहा छ एक घर देखि एक दिन मा १५ देखि २० किलो सम्म फोहोर निस्कने गर्दछ भने कल्पना गरौ की पुरै शहर मा रहनु हुने लाखौं घर परिवार को घर देखि दिन मा कति फोहोर निस्केला?) among our daily use thing, the most thing can be reusable or re-cycle able, which can help of global warming because the production will fall and use of bio gas and other energy use will reduce.

3-Clean the area and stay clean.
we can make clean our surrounding and help to build clean environment because many thing we throw as water can be harmful with their smell, dust and other types of chemical of them. We can manage the right place for them.

4-Plant the trees and make green around.
as we all know that, oxygen is our life, the greenness is the main key to manage the climate what we everyone need. The greenness protects our land from over heat and keeps on level as required. The forests help for rain, which is most important for growing foods and crops. We all know that, millions of people around the world are hunger. Nowadays, the global warming is one of the reason from less forests because cities are increasing day by day, human being are destroying jungles for various use, but not doing enough for re plantation, which is causing much such as we can see dryness on land.

5-Drive less or less use:
Nowadays the transportation are very easy in one way thinking, because there are many companies are competing to produce cheaper cars, air craft and many others, the transportation can’t move without energy and how those energy are making pollution, we all know about. If we try to use less transportation and less drive then necessary.

6-Minimum use of energy:
now with modern time and competition life style, we all use various type of thing which need energy power of electric . we use used to have designed bulbs in house, refrigerator, oven, TV, water heater in shower place, music systems and many others, where use can reduce the use of them. Use them on needs and off after done. Use less decoration of thing which usually need electric powers for them. Because more electric power use make heat the climate, using hot water are also destroy the oxygen percentage in climate, so we can use less hot water, we can only use when desperately needed.

Please, do something to stop Global warming.

Many thanks to my all dearest friends for reading this article.

Many thanks
Nabin Nischal Sirish “Peacelover”

It was horrible tsunami in Fukushima Japan on 11th of Mar 2011

We together pray for them and all the world.

Our beautiful world is suffering by Global warming: - Glaciers are melting and many part of world gone dry.

Please, do something to stop Global warming.

We are experiencing many example of Global warming.

Please, do something to stop Global warming.

Development, but reason for Global warming.

Do something to stop Global warming.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

नयाँ बर्ष २०६८ को मंगलमय शुभकामना हजुर सबै लाई (Happy nepalese New Year 2068)

मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु, नयाँ बर्ष २०६८ को उपहार म के नै दिन सक्छु र
हजुर हरु हजार बर्ष बाच्नुस्, म सबै लाई उपहार सवरुप मेरो उमेर दिन्छु,
हजुर हरु सदा सफल अनी खुशी रहनुस्, म सबै लाई कामना मात्र हैन मेरो सबै खुशी दिन्छु,
नयाँ बर्ष २०६८ को मंगलमय शुभकामना।

My dearest friends and loved ones,
It’s our (Nepalese) New Year 2068

My Happy New Year wish for you
2068 gonna be the best year yet,
A year where every events are peaceful,
And however you wanna , you get.
A brand New Year in which you cherish
The past year’s wonderful memories,
be happy and live your life each new day,
Full of wonders and bright expectancies.
I wish for you a wonderful holiday
With all the success and happiness galore;
And when it’s done, I wanna wish you
Happy New Year, and many more.

Happy Nepalese New Year 2068
God bless you and all the world.

Many thanks

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do something better as you can.

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All my dearest friends, “Happiness” and "Peace" are the gift that we can all enjoy if we choose to even though the ways gonna some way, it enters your life when you let your thinking patterns take a more positive angle rather than coming to negative conclusions hastily, the key is taking time to think about a situation in its entirety because every moments has its own meaning and teach us the meaning of it. a new angle will reveal itself which will make you understand why things happened the way they did or happened it by the way.

Basically we think that, self happiness is quite enough, but being alone happy is not the real happiness. we gotta make others happy, there shouldn't be selfishness and hatred inside of you. if the thought of human being can be with love and peace then we can create peaceful world to same our world before destroy it. we gotta help to them who need our help by best wishes or physically as we can, what happened in Japan on last March? that was too worse tsunami and many gone dead and many are still missing, we have can pray their peaceful soul who lost their everything. "God please help them" and please help us to save our world. we are seeing and feeling what have changed in this world as Global warming and unexpected climate changes. almost everywhere in this world, there is war and hatred, violence. these all thing can stop by "Global friendship". think about others happiness before being happy own self because myself Nabin Nischal Sirish do believe that, "Happiness is by product of an effort to make someone else happy", please pray for "Peace" that not only make happy, but can be a part to save our beautiful world.

Many thanks