Life……..Oh! yeah, how do you define the life, how it feels like?
Life is life flower of rose, life is like the love song sung by greatest single, like the rhythm of guitar play, like the beautiful poem of poet, like the heart touch song script written by song writer.
Are you looking happiness?
(Image by Nabin: - Pls click on image to view original size.)

My dear friends around the world, happiness is a gift that we can all enjoy if we choose to even though the ways gonna some way, it enters your life when you let your thinking patterns take a more positive angle rather than coming to negative conclusions hastily, the key is taking time to think about a situation in its entirety. a new angle will reveal itself which will make you understand why things happened the way they did or happened it by the way.
There is always the opportunity to be happy around every corner because life is so beautiful, where you can have a lots love, just feel it.
My dear friends learn to smile and laugh a lot more, it is infectious and soon you have others around you doing the same and time passes a lot better, just hang on and hold tide. Happy people radiate a field around them that draws others to them who want to share in their happiness. we all have come across people who have been through all sorts of problems in life and yet they have not stopped laughing or smiling. these people are examples to follow and they prove that even in their difficult times they have not given up hope or given up on life. I do believe that, life is not just about as we want easy way, but with sorrows too, that’s what gonna show us true color of beautiful life.
Happiness comes from acceptance of your situation or your surroundings. It comes from counting the blessings around you as I do love all people around the world much. Please believe each one of us has plenty of blessings if we care to count them. The gift of health, the gift of families, the gift of friends, the list is endless and if we are amongst those who have had more than their share of sadness in life, there are still things that make you have another go at life. It is a matter of finding something that will make you feel good about yourself and doing it,
To be loved gives a lot of happiness but to get this love you have to give it too. Do not hesitate to show your love to those that matter the most and caring to those that need it the most. Happiness also comes from giving to those not as fortunate as you.
Now we talk more lasting one and greatest happiness for life.
Every moment teach us meaning of every single events of life. If you looking life without sorrow then you are not happy on it’s way because you donno the true meaning of life, just look moments with happiness and sorrow halo halo (mixed), the sorrow and happiness gonna decorate all the meaningful life for us.
sometime we thing imagine that, “How could be thet, if the life gonna be with only happiness as we wanna have”, but that’s not the way gonna be because if happiness only can be meaning of struggle and wish for success then how the daily life can be on track? The person won’t learn good thing, but for self interest only, life is not just for self interest and self happiness.
Why the sad moments come in life? Why people fall sick? Why we have pain? If we know the meaning of these thing then we know the true meaning of life, not just that we can have full vision of other’s life around us who don’t have happiness in their life, who don’t have something to eat and have to struggle for meal if someone has leftover, who don’t have smile on their face.
we can find real smile which others smile, we can find real happiness on others happiness.
We usually used to visit temple, church, masjid, gumba to search God’s bless, but God will bless us only then, when we do something for others who need desperately our help as much we can help, though little bit why not. God will bless us when we know the true meaning of life with happiness and sorrow halo halo (mixed). God not just only will bless us, but will come to us if we keep our thoughts clear and positive all the time with helpful thoughts on others every needs, God will come to us only then when do do something better not just for self, but for others happiness. God didn’t promise to us that happiness which we think for self, but for sharing with others and help others to make happy.
Please see below my feeling through snaps and their sense and try to know the meaning of life.
Make them friends around you and make them happy because “Happiness is by-product of an effort to make someone else happy”, you will find God presence on their smile and God’s blessing on their happiness. There is no obstruction of color of skin, no obstruction of gender, no obstruction of language, no obstruction of cast, no obstruction of age, no obstruction status, no obstruction of rich and poor and also no obstruction of nationality in friendship.
Many thanks

(Image by Nabin: - Pls click on image to view original size.)

(Image by Nabin: - Pls click on image to view original size.)

(Image by Nabin: - Pls click on image to view original size.)

(Image by Nabin: - Pls click on image to view original size.)

(Image by Nabin: - Pls click on image to view original size.)
At last, once again I wanna say, please do something to make others happy too and give your hand on their needs because the true God and God's blessing you will find right there.
"No one belong to anyone, we are just in bewilderment in this world, but one thing is sure that we belong to truth and faith”
Many thanks for visit.
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