Saturday, March 10, 2012

Please always be happy and keep smiling


खुसि...हजुर...खुशी हामी सबै ले खुशी चाहान्छौ। तर खुशी के हो अनि कहाँ पाउनु अनि खुशी?

[ सर्वप्रथम म "my apology" भन्न चाहन्छु, किनकी मलाइ नेपालि सुद्ध लेख्न अली आउँदैन, तरपनी कोशिश् भने गरेकोछु। प्लिज सुधारेर पढ्नुहुनेछ भन्ने आशा छ ]


१। आफ्नो हृदय लाई घिर्णा हरु बाट सफा रख्नु।
२। आफ्नो मन् लाई चिन्ता हरु बाट टाढा रख्नु।
३। सीम्प्ल साधारण जिवन् जिउनु।
४। बधि दिन सिक्नु।
५। कम् लिन सिक्नु।

(सच्चाइ, प्यार अनि शान्ति लाई सदा आफ्नो हृदय मा पूजा गर्दा भगवान को दर्शन पाईन्छ। किनकी भगवान दिवार ले बनेको मन्दिर मा सायदै , तर स्वच्छ निस्चल अनि पवित्र मन मन्दिर मा पक्कै रहनु हुन्छ। )

जो कोहि पनि बितेका समय को सुरु मै गएर नयाँ सफलता हरु सुरु गर्नु सक्दैन, जो कोहि पनि बितेका कुरा हरु देखि सिखेर यहाँ आज देखि नयाँ सुन्दर कार्य हरु गरेर सफलता लाई चुम्न सुरु गर्दछ।
मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु, भगवान ले वादा गर्नु भएको थिएन की पिडा बिना का दिन् हरु, चिन्ता बिना का मुस्कान हरु, वर्षा बिना को सुर्य, तर वादा गर्नु भएको हुनु पर्छ सायद्, आसुँ अनि खुशी को मिस्रित पलहरु जस्ले जिवन् को अर्थ सिकाउछ जस्ले हामि लाई अघि बध्न सजिलो बनाउन्दछ।

हरेस वा निराशा हरु सडक बीच मा हुने हरु बम्प जस्तै हून्, जस्ले हजुर लाई अघि बढ्न मा ढीलाई ल्याउछ।
ति बम्प्(जीवन का अप्थ्यारा पल् हरु) हरु मा धेरै बेर् न अल्झिनुस्, बिस्तारै अघि बढी रहनुस्, किनकि हजुर ले आफुले चाहेको अझै पाउनु भएको छैन, जुन् हजुर चाहनु हुन्छ, जहाँ हजुर को लागि धेरै खुशी अनि सफलता हरु ले हजुर लाई चुम्न आतुर भएर पर्खी रहेको छन्। (Note: it's universal truth that, no one can have all, which he/she wanna have because happiness and sorrows are both true color of life)
जस्ट आफु लाई बलियो बनाउनुस्, दिल अनि मन् लाई सुन्दर पवित्र निस्चल बनाउनुस्, किनकि भगवान ले हजुर लाई कुनै राम्रो खुसियाली सँग को उपहार दिने सोच्दै हुनुहुन्छ, जब हजुर् लाई कुनै घटना घत्छ तब सोच्नुस् अनि महसुस गर्नुस् अनि आफुलाई सोध्ने प्रयास गर्नुस्, आखिर यो किन भयो अनि मैले यो पल देखि के सिक्ने मौका पाये? अनि येस्को अर्थ के हुन सक्छ अनि यो पल लाई मैले कसरी लिनु पर्छ?
त्यहा कुनै अर्थ हुन सक्छ, जहाँ आउँदा दिन् हरु मा खुशी नै खुशी अनि मुस्कुरहत को पल हरु कसरी लिन सकिन्छ एही स्तेप हरु को पाठ सिकाउन्छ हामी सबै लाई। आफु लाई सधैं खुशी रख्नुस् चाहे त्यो खुशी को पल होस् या दु:ख को होस् अनि हजुर आफु लाई मात्र हैन अरु लाई पनि खुशी बाट्न सक्नु पर्छ किनकि अरु को को खुशी नै साचो खुशी हुन्छ, जहाँ हजुर ले सबै को माँया पाउनु हुने छ,अनी अरु त अन्य ब्यक्ति को कुरा हो जहाँ हजुर को माहान्ता लाई बुझुन। आफ्ना शुभचिन्तक लाई गुमाउनु भन्दा आफ्नो घमन्ड लाई त्याग्नु उचित हुन्छ, न की शुभचिन्तक। स्वच्छ अनि निस्चल बिचार हरु हजुर को अस्ली रुप हो जसलाई सबैले मन् पराउने छन्।
तब हजुर ले आफु मा धेरै धेरै खुशी पाउनु हुने छ, आफु लाई स्वर्ग मा पाउनु हुने छ।
मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु हजुर हर सधैं खुशी रहनुस् येही मेरो सपना अनि चहाना हुन।
मेरो बिचार हरु गल्ती पनि हुन सक्छन, म मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु सँग हुन यदि सक्छ यदि नै भने छमा चाहन्छु। म कुन शब्द हरु मा मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु लाई धन्यवाद को बौछार गराउ कुन शब्द हरु मा आभार प्रकट गरु, मा आफु लाई नै थाहा भएन।
हजुर मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु, हजुर हर लाई मेरो हृदय भरि को माँया अनि हजुर हरु को सदा सदा को खुशी अनि मुस्कान को कामना छ। मेरो भगवान ले मेरो पुकार सुन्नु हुने नै छ, मलाई बिश्वास छ।

Basically, we feel happy and some time sad, but most of the time we use to wish to have happy moment alone for all the time, we gotta know that, every events of life give us true meaning’s of life and teach us how be happy. do you know my friends? life is the blossoming of flowers in the spring, the ripening of fruit in the fall, the rhythm of the our earth and of nature. Life is the cry of cicadas signaling the end of summer, migratory birds winging terai side in a transparent autumn sky, fish frolicking in a stream. Life is the joy beautiful music instills in us, the thrilling sight of a mountain peak reddened by the rising sun, the myriad combinations and permutations of visible and invisible phenomena. Life is all things.
Do you know my dear friends? life is an ongoing succession of births and deaths. from this perspective, we must seek our goal and mission in something that transcends birth and death, something that we can give our whole life to. Only then can we tap the inexhaustible potential of life. In other words, we must advance beyond the mere struggle to stay alive and be prepared to ask ourselves for what purpose we live our lives. I’m sorry, but I do believe “no one belong to any one, but to love, truth and peace because when the person gonna say “Good bye” to one day, then no one with be with the person, but a lots love and bless with the spirit of the person, there will be remembrance of the person only. other’s can learn and be thankful what the person had did good thing in past.

My dearest friends, happiness does not exist as an isolated quality, nor does it conform to a single fixed pattern. Happiness is something that breathes and lives in the relationships among happy friends, loved ones and surrounding.

Leave behind the passive dreaming of a rose-tinted future. The energy of happiness exists in living today with roots sunk firmly in reality's soil.
It is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others. This perspective is at the heart of good thoughts.

My dearest friends, happiness doesn't exist on the far side of distant mountains. It is within you, yourself. Not you, however, sitting in idle passivity. It is to be found in the vibrant dynamism of your own life as you struggle to challenge and overcome one obstacle after another, as you clamber up a perilous ridge in pursuit of that which lies beyond.

The exclusive pursuit of one's own interests cannot bring true happiness. It is in striving for the sake of others that the great path to genuine happiness is opened.
Where is happiness to be found? How can we become happy? Happiness is not a question of how you look to others. rather it is a matter of what you yourself feel inside and thing for others, it is a deep answering response in your life.

Where can we find happiness? Happiness is not found in a tranquil life free of storms and tempests. Real happiness is found in the struggles we undergo to realize our goals, in our efforts to move forward.

To the extent that we love others, we will be loved. To the extent that we work for others' happiness, we will enjoy protection and support. This is the law of cause and effect.

When you are sincere in your consideration for others, in even the most trifling matters, you can bring about a complete change in the world around you.
To encourage another is an intense task of inspiration, of rekindling their life energy and calling forth their indomitable spirit. underlying this must be an earnest wish for their happiness.

Words spoken from the heart and filled with a powerful wish for someone's happiness can deeply touch that person's life and revive his or her spirit, becoming a source of lifelong inspiration.One cannot expect to become happy without hardship or effort. Because we challenge ourselves we become strong. To become strong is to become happy.

When we are aware that each moment of each day, each gesture and step we take, is truly mystical and full of wonder, we will live our lives with greater thought and care. we will also have greater respect and appreciation for the lives of others.
Live in a way that is full of life…..for yourself, for your loved ones, for your friends. people who do so will find the courage to transform sufferings into hopes. not only that, but they will be able to light the lamp of hope in the hearts of many others, as well.

One thing is certain, that is that the power of belief, the power of thought, the power of love will move reality in the direction of what we believe and conceive of it. If you really believe you can do something, you can feel the true color of life.
Everything depends on what is in our hearts. If we decide to ourselves that something is impossible, then, consistent with our minds in thinking so, even something that is possible for us will become impossible. on the other hand, if we have the confidence that we can definitely do something, then we are already one step closer to achieving it in reality.

If you are going to fall in love, try to make your relationship one that generates great spiritual creativity, one that is mutually enriching, true love is the light of life path, but which love you are thinking about? Girl with a boy or boy with a girl? I have no idea about your though, but I specially believe in the meaning of love that, the love to which can be for all the world.

There are many who dream about experiencing happiness without the patience, but that is a dream and a dream is just that a colorful dream, a fairy tale. It is to wish for a childish, easy life. This illusion breaks up many partnerships. The pursuit of such happiness can only make one miserable.

True love should be trans-formative, a process that amplifies our capacity to cherish not just one person but all people. It can make us stronger, lift us higher and deepen us as individuals. only to the extent that one polishes oneself now can one hope to develop wonderful bonds of the heart in the future.

The question of how to live one's life and find one's true life purpose can only be solved by making consistent effort to help others win over the miseries that afflict them. this is the way of the true life oneself for the sake of others while striving for one's own self-realization.

If you are neglecting things you should be doing, forgetting your purpose in life because of the relationship you're in, then you're on the wrong path. a healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage each other to reach their respective goals while sharing each other's hopes and dreams. a relationship should be a source of inspiration, invigoration and hope.

Just being good-natured is not enough. If you are good-natured but fail to stand up to injustice, you cannot protect anyone. Instead, you will tend to be taken lightly, enabling those who perpetrate injustice to only grow stronger.

Everyone born in this world has a unique role that only he or she can fulfill. were this not the case, we would not be here. the universe never acts without cause; everything invariably has a reason for being. even the weeds people love to loathe serve a purpose. I might add that every cherry blossom has its own personality, a purpose and meaning in life that is unique to it-as do the plum, peach and damson.
If you hope for a peaceful death as the final summation of your life, live each and every day with vitality, never failing to take everything that happens as an opportunity to open and expand your inner life, exerting yourself to the fullest in the place you find yourself now.

The struggle between happiness and unhappiness is the story of human existence. the struggle between peace and war is the history of the human race. the power that leads us to eternal victory amid these struggles is the power of good within us.

I believe friendship is the most genuinely humane relationship of which we are capable. To be understood and appreciated for oneself is a vital experience in life.

Friendship is the most beautiful, most powerful and most valuable treasure in life. It is your true wealth, no matter how much status people may gain or how rich they may become, a life without friends leads to an unbalanced, self-centered existence.

Friendship is tested and proven in adversity. Perhaps only those who have suffered truly demoralizing blows can fully appreciate the beauty of friendship.

Friendship is not a matter of the amount of time you spend with someone. Rather, it is a measure of the strength and depth of the spiritual resonance that arises between you.

You cannot judge the quality of another's friendship by superficial appearances, especially when things are going smoothly. It is only when we have experienced the worst, most crushing of times-when we have plumbed the depths of life-that we can experience the joys of genuine friendship. only a man of principle, a woman of resolve a person who stays true to their chosen path-can be a trusted and true friend, and have real friends in turn.

Genuine sincerity opens people's hearts, while manipulation causes them to close.
The heart of one person moves another's. ... If one's own heart is closed, then the doors of other people's hearts will also shut tight. on the other hand, someone who makes all those around him or her into allies, bathing them in the sunlight of spring, will be treasured by all.

There is no true joy in a life lived closed up in the little shell of the self. when you take one step to reach out to people, when you meet with others and share their thoughts and sufferings, infinite compassion and wisdom well up within your heart, your life is transformed.

Only easy and happy life alone is not true life. here is no happiness without hardship. So often, we strive to reach the destination of happiness without walking the road of struggles and challenges which leads us there.

True happiness means forging a strong spirit that is undefeated, no matter how trying our circumstances.

Freedom doesn't mean the absence of all restrictions. It means possessing unshakable conviction in the face of any obstacle. This is true freedom.

Poverty is nothing to be ashamed of. What's disgraceful is to have an impoverished heart or to live dishonestly. being born in a stately mansion is no guarantee of happiness, any more than being born in a shack dooms one to misery.

When seen from the perspective of life's true value, whether a person is rich or poor is a marginal issue at best. the truly impoverished are those who are wealthier than others who take themselves too seriously and look down upon the less affluent. Happiness will never be a handout; it's something we create with our own hands.
If you want to build a happy life, you have to give careful thought to the foundations. happiness certainly cannot be secured on appearances or affectation. happiness comes down to the inner state of our life at a given moment.

When we draw strength from within, our outlook undergoes a dramatic transformation; everything around us looks completely different. To be strong that is the key to happiness.

As long as we are alive we will experience sufferings. But that does not mean we have to be unhappy. unhappiness comes from allowing ourselves to be controlled by life's ups and downs-from feeling defeated, from losing hope, losing courage, losing the will to advance.

We each move forward secure on our own earth, not the earth of others. happiness is something we must create for ourselves. no one else can give it to us.
Life is tenacious; it is endowed with the impulse to survive and the power to heal. ultimately, it is we ourselves who cure our illness, and the decision to undertake this battle arises from within.

Human life is indeed wondrous. you may be ill physically, but as long as your mental state is strong, it most certainly will exert a positive influence on your body. there may be no better remedy than hope.

In order to overcome our prejudices, we must constantly strive to develop the habit of looking at ourselves from the point of view of others. realizing that all people have both good points and bad, in the end the important thing is to strive to combat our own inner obstinacy and narrow-mindedness.

Generosity of spirit to respect those whose character and personality are different from yours is the very foundation of friendship.

Material wealth does not necessarily make for happiness nor does fame. Hope is life's greatest treasure. A life without hope is bleak and gray. If you have no hope, create some.

Hope transforms pessimism into optimism. Hope is invincible. Hope changes everything. It changes winter into summer, darkness into dawn, descent into ascent, barrenness into creativity, agony into joy. Hope is the sun. It is light. It is passion. It is the fundamental force for life's blossoming.

People always have many different roles to play. the crucial thing is to be determined to make a wholehearted effort in everything and be fully engaged in what we are doing at any given moment. The secret to successfully fulfilling a variety of roles is to concentrate fully on the task at hand and give it our best effort with enthusiasm, maintaining a positive, forward-looking attitude and not worrying.

When you devote yourself to achieving your goal, you will not be bothered by shallow criticism. Nothing important can be accomplished if you allow yourself to be swayed by some trifling matter, always looking over your shoulder and wondering what others are saying or thinking. The key to achievement is to move forward along your chosen path with firm determination.

Failure is an instrumental part of every success. Whether our life has been a triumph or tragedy can only be judged at its very end.

The struggle against aging is a struggle against cowardice, the propensity to shun new challenges. It is a struggle against our complacent belief that we have done enough, an egocentric unwillingness to help younger people develop, and an attachment to our past glory. Aging sneaks in through such chinks of our soul. The life of one who continues to challenge to the end remains youthful, ageless, and victorious.

My dear friends, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength”

मेरो बिचार हरु गल्ती पनि हुन सक्छन, म मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु सँग हुन यदि सक्छ यदि नै भने छमा चाहन्छु।

हजुर मेरा प्यारा साथी हरु, हजुर हर लाई मेरो हृदय भरि को माँया अनि हजुर हरु को सदा सदा को खुशी अनि मुस्कान को कामना छ। मेरो भगवान ले मेरो पुकार सुन्नु हुने नै छ, मलाई बिश्वास छ।

हजुर हरु लाई सधैं खुशी अनि मुस्कुराइ रहेको देख्न चाहने,
नवीन निस्चल श्रिस

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Holi - "Phagu Purnima", the festival of color, the festival of friendship

"नमस्ते" - namaste
पावन पर्व "होली" (फागुपुर्णिमा) "HOLI", the festival of "Peace" and "Friednship" Wow! The colors of friendship, colors of joy, colors of happiness
red, green, yellow and countless.
watta a day's image - a uprising of colors.
Lively crowd running here and there,
tender rainbow of mixed colors, dashing from every corner.
disregarding their woe and despair fervent folks,
rejoicing at the marvel of colors.
watta a day filled with shine and gaiety,
watta a day to smear our dreams-
with a splash of exciting frenzy colors.
Holi a spring of unbounded fun and frolic…
"Happy Holi"...

(Click on image to enlarge)

(Click on image to enlarge)

About HOLI - Phagu Purnima:

Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moon day called
Holi – fagu purnima, basically fagu purnima is a spring festival celebrated by Hindus. Holi is also known as festival of Colours. It is primarily observed in Nepal, India and slo in others counties where with large Indic populations following Hinduism. It is also known as “Fagu purnima – Holi” (Nepal), “Holi” (Hindi) Doḷajāta (Oriya – Orissa) and Dol Jatra (Bengali) or Basantotsav "spring festival" in West Bengal.

Holi-Phagu Purnima bring everyone near to make new days with happiness. (Below)

The main day, Fagu Purnima - Holi, also known as Dhuli in Sanskrit, also Dhulheti, Dhulandi or Dhulendi, is celebrated by people throwing scented powder and perfume at each other. Bonfires are lit on the eve of the festival, also known as Holika Dahan (burning of Holika). In India, after doing holika dahan prayers are said and praise is offered. The bonfires are lit in memory of the miraculous escape that young Prahlad accomplished when Demoness Holika, sister of Hiranyakashipu, carried him into the fire. Holika was burnt but Prahlad, a staunch devotee of god Bishnu, escaped without any injuries due to his unshakable devotion. Holika Dahan is referred to as Kama Dahanam in South India.

In most areas, Holi lasts about two days. However, in Kathmandu and other mid and northern Nepal, it’s celebrated on the day of Phalgun Purnima and next day in Terai-Madhesh area. One of Holi’s biggest customs is the loosening strictness of social structures, which normally include age, sex, status, and caste. Holi closes the wide gaps between social classes and brings Hindus together. Together, the rich and poor, women and men, enjoy each other’s presence on this joyous day. Additionally, Holi lowers the strictness of social norms. No one expects polite behavior; as a result, the atmosphere is filled with excitement and joy.

Holi-Phagu Purnima, festival of color, festival of peace. (Click on image to enlarge)

Every year, thousands of Hindus participate in the festival Holi. Waiting for the day of the full moon in the month of Phalgun (In Kathmandu, Mid and northern Nepal and next day of full moon in south Nepal (Terai-Madhes) and all over India, These men and women are ready to spread the joy. Holi has many purposes. First and foremost, it celebrates the beginning of the new season, spring. It also has a religious purpose, commemorating many events that are present in Hindu mythology. Although it is the least religious holiday, it is probably one of the most exhilarating ones in existence. During this event, participants hold a bonfire, throw colored powder at each other, and celebrate wildly.

Originally, it was a festival that commemorated good harvests and the fertile land. In addition to celebrating the coming of spring, Holi has even greater purposes. Hindus believe it is a time of enjoying spring's abundant colors and saying farewell to winter. Furthermore, Holi celebrates many religious myths and legends.

As modern world, the festival of Fagu Purnima – Holi being celebrated by any religious men and women around.

Holi-Phagu Purnima brings happiness, joy with smile in every friends and loved ones around. (Below)
“Fagu Purnima” of the lunar month – Phalgun or Phalguna (February/March), which usually falls in the later part of February or March.

Holi-Phagu Purnima, the festival of color for friendship, love and peace brings smile and happiness on every face. (Below)

Tourists having colors during Phagu Purnima - Holi (Below)

Tourists having colors during Phagu Purnima - Holi in Nepal. (Below)

Though there have been references to a festival like this in Sanskrit texts like ratnavali where people sprayed coloured waters using bamboo syringes, the origin of the modern Holi festival has been traced to ancient Bengal. It was a Gaudiya Vaishnav festival, in accordance to Vaishnaviya Tantra. People went to Krishna temples, applied red colour to the icon and then distributed the red coloured powder or “Abir” along with malpua prasad to family and friends. Red signified the colour of passion and Lord Krishna is the king of desires. The ritual signified that all our desires should be diverted for the attainment of Krishna and for the well being of society.

In some cultures though, the ritual of burning wood and leaves on the full moon night already existed. This ritual was to signify the end of winter and full advent of spring. Old wood and leaves that had fallen were burnt to signify that it is time for new leaves and flowers. People later smeared their bodies with ash. Later, however, the story of Holika Dahan has been associated with this ritual.

The legend on King Hiranyakashipu is one of the explanations Hindus look back to. The King condemned his son, Prahlad, from worshipping the god Vishnu. However, he continued to pray to him. Filled with anger, the King made a challenge to his son. He was to sit on a pyre along with his aunt Holika, believed to be unharmed by fire. The son accepted the challenge, praying to Vishnu to protect him. As the fire began, Holika was burnt to a crisp but Prahlad lived and was unharmed. This burning of Holika is the reason why Holi exists.
Source of Origin: Wikipedia