Friday, September 16, 2011

The moments in-front of you is perfect picture...

Namaste to all from Nabin Nischal,

Nabin Nischal Welcomes to you on page.


Beauty of life:
The moments in-front of you is the perfect picture, which never seen before and may never gonna be the same again ‘cause who knows what gonna be and how the perfection of the future picture gonna be in next picture. Enjoy your every moments, live your today with love, peace and happiness. We are so lucky to be in this beautiful world surrounded by great friends around, we are lucky to be in this beautiful world facing lots wonder moments with happiness and some time sorrow even. We gotta consider of all the moments and feel self most lucky one to have that particular moment ‘cause you can learn some different form that, how to laugh and not to cry hard.
live your life with happiness and smile on your beautiful face. Life is beautiful as blossom during spring, soft tender as rhythm of guitar, beautiful as birds flattering from south to north, beautiful as colorful butterflies dancing at garden, tenderness as waterfalls from green mountains, beautiful as morning sunshine after the night. Please enjoy the picture of yours in front of you, which taken today. We never know how the picture of tomorrow gonna be. Please always be happy and keep smiling.

The moments if front of you today is beautiful as a spring shower,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as a blooming flowers,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as a tall oak tree at hillside,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as a birds in flight
The moments if front of you today is beautiful under God’s moonlight,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as a stars filled sky at the soft night.
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as the clouds that drift by,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as sun after the rain,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as virgin sand,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as beautiful butterfly at garden,
The moments if front of you today is beautiful as the wild sea,
The moments if front of you today is soft tender rhythm played in love song,
and the moments make life so beautiful and life is everything…………..

Love, Peace and Happiness……………………………………..
……………to be continue……….

I love you so much my dear all respected friends and my respected loved ones.

Many Thanks for being happy.
Nabin Nischal Sirish

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