Wow! so tremendous evening with tender and cool air blowing from east to west and "Blue Moon" in crystal clear sky above. "Once in Blue Moon" of this year. (On 31st of August)
“Once in BLUE MOON”…….O! yeah, these words are known to you. Do you use also? Un-huh….so did you looked up at the crystal and peaceful sky above this evening? Yeah, if not then just go outside and see above, Wow! Soft and tend full moon…….not as regular moon, but “BLUE MOON” O! not the color blue, but fortunate one ‘cause today is “BLUE MOON” day, which rarely happen in few years after all. Are you aware why we call “Once in blue moon” often?
A “Blue Moon” can refer to either the third full moon in a season with four full moons, or the second full moon in a month. Most years have twelve full moons that occur approximately monthly. In addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each solar calendar year contains roughly eleven days more than the lunar year of 12 lunations. The extra days accumulate, so every two or three years, there is an extra full moon. Lunisolar calendars have rules about when to insert such an intercalary or "leap" month. In different traditions and conventions place the extra "blue" full moon at different times in the year. For example: In the Hindu calendar, this extra month is called 'Adhik or badhi (extra) mahina (month)'. It is also known as “Purushottam mahina or anlapunhi, so as to give it a devotional name.
A "blue moon" is also used colloquially to mean "a rare event" – “katham kadachit hune ghatna athawa mauka”, reflected in the phrase "once in a blue moon". There are many believes as well; For example: “Good fortune”, “Good luck” etc.
Know about every events, which makes you so happy that’s what I wanna see all time. Please always be happy and keep smiling.