Friday, December 28, 2012

Life is like the blossoming of flowers in the spring, like the ripening of fruit in the fall, like the rhythm of the earth and of nature, like the cry of cicadas signaling the end of summer, migratory birds winging south in a transparent autumn sky, life is like fish frolicking in a stream, like the joy beautiful music instills in us, like the thrilling sight of a mountain peak reddened by the rising sun, like the myriad combination and permutations of visible and invisible phenomena. Life is all things to stay happy. and.........ummmm....and...... Life is an ongoing succession of births and deaths. From this perspective, we must seek our goal and mission in something that transcends birth and death, something that we can give our whole life to. Only then can we tap the inexhaustible potential of life. In other words, we must advance beyond the mere struggle to stay alive and be prepared to ask ourselves for what purpose we live our lives. Life is not that what we always wanna have, but the sweet amalgamation of happiness and grief, which decorate the life events to teach us how to walk ahead. Please always be happy and keep smiling.

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