Thursday, April 21, 2011

22nd of April is "OUR EARTH DAY" Please do something to save our beautiful earth

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Today, 22nd of April is our “Earth day”, please do something as much you can for our earth, start fighting and teach against pollution and destroying our earth and green forests. Please pray for PEACE around the world.

It’s time to wake up please, all the human being of this beautiful world, we gotta know now what’s we are doing and how much selfish we are, we are developing those which hurting much to our beautiful earth. If we don’t think today then there will be no chance to be sorry at all. The time will come, but till then will be late. We all know about global warming and how the impact is showing the result of it. We usually hear news about disaster and unwanted weather changes, these all because of us.

Today, 22nd of April is our “Earth day”, please do something as much you can for our earth, start fighting and teach against pollution and destroying our earth and green forests. Please pray for PEACE around the world.

Our beautiful earth, I love you and we all love you.

How do we human being tell you we’re sorry with a gesticulation, a look and always being in touch?
how is it we human being never appreciate, polluting and hurting you so very much?

we human being do not ask forgiveness a comfort we'll never deserve.
we human being merely wants to let you know, but we cannot find the nerve.

to finally face up to you, face-to-face and look you in the eye,
after all to face your fury and to try.

betraying and deceiving you, Oh yep we human being talked too much and we know that, we surely had no right.
to snatch away such a precious gem, like a dark thief in the night.

Human being didn’t realize to bring us to this day,
when we human being present these simple words, we never thought to say.

I can see your sadness that, you are crying with tsunami, landslide, floods and disaster,
I wanna say to all human being, please save our earth and do something faster.

human being, please realize now, the time has come, it's days past due to put aside our fear;
our beautiful earth, would this confession torture you, or have you longed to hear?

to hear those two forbidden words to conquer all the pain,
to understand our dearest beautiful earth wish to know you once again.

the moments and years aged us remarkably, though they have not made us wise;
we human being do know we erred irrevocably for that. Our beautiful earth, on behalf of all human being, I personally apologize.

I really beg to the world, please give my "Peace" back, why my "Peace" is crying to be there with me and you all, but we human being making to hard to "Peace" be here with us. please do something to save our world from pollution, war and causing global warming.

Many thanks for reading this page and being peace and earth lover.

Many thanks
Nabin Nischal Sirish

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