Monday, March 8, 2010

Peace my Angel

“Peace” you beautiful Angel, but it’s so long you are disappeared from world……..
I donno where are you, but I gotta say “Peace" my love, please come back to this beautiful world, we gonna try to make them united and stop war” pleassssssssssssssss…… we need you here in this world to save our world..
Oppppssssssssss I miss you, don’t you know that we need you here to save our world?

“Peace” my Angel………….

“Peace” Angel of mine
it’s like dream that, appear to me one time
I have a wish to say
and, and make it come truthful someday

There was girl (Peace) I want to see
My love for her (Peace) is deep like a sea
I fell in love with her (with Peace)
donno why I love her

Just all I see is her beauty
and all her simplicity
I’m scared to lose her
and, and I have to get her

So most beautiful angel of mine
please hear the wish of mine
I’m gonna wait till the end of time
I’m gonna wait and welcome you in every one’s heart, but not just only mine...

I love you "Peace" I miss you.

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