Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do something better as you can.

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All my dearest friends, “Happiness” and "Peace" are the gift that we can all enjoy if we choose to even though the ways gonna some way, it enters your life when you let your thinking patterns take a more positive angle rather than coming to negative conclusions hastily, the key is taking time to think about a situation in its entirety because every moments has its own meaning and teach us the meaning of it. a new angle will reveal itself which will make you understand why things happened the way they did or happened it by the way.

Basically we think that, self happiness is quite enough, but being alone happy is not the real happiness. we gotta make others happy, there shouldn't be selfishness and hatred inside of you. if the thought of human being can be with love and peace then we can create peaceful world to same our world before destroy it. we gotta help to them who need our help by best wishes or physically as we can, what happened in Japan on last March? that was too worse tsunami and many gone dead and many are still missing, we have can pray their peaceful soul who lost their everything. "God please help them" and please help us to save our world. we are seeing and feeling what have changed in this world as Global warming and unexpected climate changes. almost everywhere in this world, there is war and hatred, violence. these all thing can stop by "Global friendship". think about others happiness before being happy own self because myself Nabin Nischal Sirish do believe that, "Happiness is by product of an effort to make someone else happy", please pray for "Peace" that not only make happy, but can be a part to save our beautiful world.

Many thanks

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